When Haita POS appears timeout

Shop network problems, need to restart the router, re networking

Can POS connect to 5g network?

POS can only connect to 2.4G network

The cash register failed to log in after adding vegetables

When adding vegetables again, POS can only be added without table

Can I add dishes to the cashier account and server account?

Only the store manager's account can add and cancel dishes

fter adding a dish, the kitchen cannot print it

Dishes need to be added to the specified printer before they can be printed

fter adding vegetables, there is no dish displayed in POS

You need to click the menu data download in the settings, and the dishes will be synchronized to POS and pad

To add more food notes,

There is a comment column in the settings, and you can add the required notes in the customization

The cashier account number and the server account number cannot modify the inventory

Only the store manager's account number can modify the inventory

Cashiers and waiters can cancel paid orders

Only the store manager account number can cancel the paid order

Image size when uploading dishes

The picture cannot be larger than 2m

Off shelf dishes and deleted dishes

Log in to the store manager account and click stop selling

Need to add and delete cashier and server accounts

Log in to the store manager account and click employee add, modify and delete